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Chapter 3588

Words:2589Update:23/07/30 05:31:07


She was instantly relieved.

At least Dong Yujie's sacrifice had not been in vain.

Jiang Huaizhou did not disappoint Dong Yujie either.

Lu Man made an expression of sudden realization. "So you spread rumors about her out of jealousy. If this gets out, how big of an impact will it have on Yujie? "

"You're quite straightforward with your words," Lu Man said coldly.

Qu Xiangqian immediately said, "It's my daughter's fault for not being sensible. I promise that there won't be any rumors about Miss Dong, oh no, Mrs. Jiang."

As he spoke, Qu Xiangqian pulled Qu Mengyu back to prevent her from getting close to Jiang Huaizhou and Dong Yujie.

Lu Man said bluntly, "Yujie is my friend. If I hear rumors about her being wrongly accused, I won't be polite!"

"No, of course not," Qu Xiangqian quickly said.

Qu Mengyu also did not expect Dong Yujie to be good friends with Lu Man.

Even if Dong Yujie really had a relationship with Lu Qiyuan, no one would believe that Lu Man would stand up for her.

After all, who would help their enemy's biological father's mistress?

Besides, Qu Mengyu did not dare to offend Lu Man.

Thus, she did not dare to say anything now.

Because of Qu Mengyu, the atmosphere was so tense.

Even if Qu Xiangqian wanted to, this was not the time to introduce himself to Han Zhuoli and build a relationship.

If he stayed any longer, Qu Xiangqian was worried that not only would he fail to build a relationship, but he would also let Han Zhuoli remember his bad side.

There would be no possibility of cooperation in the future.

At least for now, he could still dream, right?

Thus, Qu Xiangqian said, "We won't disturb you anymore."

With that, he quickly dragged Qu Mengyu away.

Qu Mengyu did not dare to be arrogant now.

As Qu Xiangqian dragged her away, she obediently followed.

When faced with people stronger than her, Qu Mengyu bullied the weak and feared the strong.

After the Qu family left, Lu Man greeted Father Jiang and Mother Dong again.

"Sorry, I didn't have time to say hello to Uncle and Auntie because of the situation just now," Lu Man said politely.

Father Jiang and Mother Dong were very nervous. After all, this was the first time they had met such a famous person.

To them, Lu Man was more famous than Han Zhuoli.

The two of them waved their hands nervously, indicating that it was fine.

"It's all thanks to you that we managed to chase them away. Otherwise, who knows what they would say. "Mother Dong said gratefully.

"It's nothing. It's just a small matter. Besides, Yujie and I are friends. Of course, I have to say a few words." Lu Man said, "They probably won't dare to talk nonsense in the future. But just in case, if they talk nonsense again, let me know. "

"My biological father has never done anything good, but at least he was of some use this time. As his daughter, others would naturally believe my words. As long as I explain, no one will believe Qu Mengyu, "Lu Man said.

Dong's mother hurriedly expressed her gratitude.

Lu Man left with Han Zhuoli.

She and Han Zhuoli's two little dumplings had been sent to the old residence early to play with the two elders.

Lu Man and Han Zhuoli were also happy to have more time to themselves.

The two little dumplings were brought over by the two elders tonight.

After entering the private room, the Han family and the other in-laws had all arrived one after another.

Although there were many people, the room was big.

The large round table could seat more than 40 people. Moreover, the Han family, the Shi family, and Wang Juhuai couple only added up to 17 people.

There was plenty of space to sit.

As for Han Zhuoli's two little dumplings and Wang Yijun's little friend, the three little guys didn't take up much space.

Each little guy was given a child seat.

Wang Yijun could sit very steadily now.

The two little guys, Han Linxun and Han Linzhe, could also sit by themselves and eat some supplementary food that they could eat.

The three little guys were very obedient.

Lu Man brought some food that the two little dumplings could eat and prepared it for them.

The two of them ate obediently and didn't make a fuss at all.

The turntable on the table spun automatically, somewhat like a revolving restaurant.

The dishes on the turntable spun in front of them and they picked up some to eat.

The two elders were the oldest in the room.

Hence, everyone let the two elders give an opening toast.

Old Mrs. Han felt that she couldn't do it herself, so she let Old Mr. Han do it.

Old Mr. Han didn't refuse.

He raised his wine glass and said, "Our three families have all grown stronger. The Han family has a daughter-in-law who can be our daughter. Your two families also have a son-in-law who can be your son.

"Actually, Zhuoling was the one I worried about the most in the past. This child's emotions are too indifferent. Other than work, he doesn't care about anything. I'm really afraid that he'll be emotionless for the rest of his life. Luckily, he met Xiaoya. I'm really grateful to the Shi family for having such a good girl like Xiaoya who saved our Zhuoling. "

Shi Xiaoya's parents quickly shook their heads. "It's also Xiaoya's fortune to have such a good husband like Zhuoling."

"There's also Lu Man." Old Mr. Han continued, "Man Man, this child, is capable and has a good personality. She's also Zhuoling and Xiaoya's matchmaker. Even Zhuofeng and Yu Ling got to know each other because of Man Man. Man Man got rid of three bachelors in our family in one go! "

Han Zhuoling: "…"

Han Zhuofeng: "…"

Han Zhuoli raised his chin proudly.

His wife was just that outstanding!

"Hahahahaha, Man Man is really our family's lucky star." When Old Mr. Han said that, even he himself felt that Lu Man was amazing. "Not to mention, she gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins this time."

This one birth was equivalent to several years of others!

Xia Qingwei couldn't help but laugh.

Old Mr. Han looked like he was really overjoyed.

"As for Zhuofeng, he succeeded in his first movie. This is something we didn't expect. This child didn't ruin our Han family's prestige! "

"It's also thanks to your support," Old Mr. Han said. "As for Juhuai, he's finally together with Qingwei. He hasn't had a child for many years, and that's what I've been worried about. But now, I have a wife and a son and a daughter. I have everything. "

"Qingwei suffered a lot in the past. But that's all in the past. Now, Qingwei has her own career and a happy family. "

Xia Qingwei smiled and looked at Wang Juhuai.

These were all given to her by Lu Man and Wang Juhuai.

In this life, she had met a jerk like Lu Qiyuan.

But she was also very lucky to have such a good daughter like Lu Man and to be reunited with Wang Juhuai.

Then, her life got better and better.

She didn't lose out in this life. It was worth it.

"All these years, we've been living better and better!" Old Mr. Han raised his glass. "Today is Mother's Day."

"Those present, my wife, Xiaoya's mother, Man Man's mother, and Man Man herself are all the main characters today. I wish you all a happy Mother's Day! "Old Mr. Han said.

Everyone raised their glasses.

Everyone was holding a glass of red wine. Only Shi Xiaoya poured herself a glass of mineral water.

But no one urged her to drink. When they gathered, they all drank the drinks they were used to.

Those who couldn't drink alcohol drank water or fruit juice. No one would force you to drink alcohol.

Everyone drank a mouthful.

Everyone then stopped being polite and started to chat as they ate.

When the fish soup was brought over, Han Zhuoling scooped a small bowl for Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya was about to drink it, but she could only smell the fishy smell of the originally fresh and sweet fish soup.

She felt nauseous, and her face turned pale.

"What's wrong?" Du Yiqin was the first to notice Shi Xiaoya's discomfort and quickly asked.

Shi Xiaoya quickly put down the fish soup. Although her face was a little pale, she could not stop smiling.

Han Zhuoling then cleared his throat and said, "There's another joyous occasion today. I was planning to announce it tonight since everyone is here."

Everyone looked over and had a vague premonition in their hearts.

They all looked at Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya excitedly.

Especially Lin Liye and Old Mrs. Han, who almost rushed up to Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuoling then said, "This afternoon, Xiaoya and I went to the hospital for a checkup. Xiaoya is already pregnant. It's only been a month. "

"That's great! That's great! "Lin Liye almost cried out.

Considering the occasion now, crying would spoil the mood, so she held it in.

She really could not help but feel excited. After all, Han Zhuoling was already so old.

Now that he finally had a child of his own, that was great!

The two elders were grinning from ear to ear.

"There's a joyous occasion at home, a joyous occasion at home! Zhuoli has a son and a daughter, and Zhuoling is also about to have a child. Next, we just have to wait for Zhuofeng and Yu Ling to get married! "Old Mrs. Han was over the moon.

This family had more and more family members, more and more joyous occasions. The family was becoming more and more complete!

Han Zhuoli raised his glass and said, "Let's raise our glasses for Big Brother and Sister-in-law."

Everyone raised their glasses together.

"In the future, there will only be more and more joyous occasions at the Han Family!" Old Mr. Han said with a big laugh.

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