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Chapter 4678

Words:2026Update:24/04/16 17:09:15


The Heaven Chaos Evil Lord actually appeared. This caused everyone to be incomparably shocked.

The Heaven Mixing Evil Lord was the ancestor of the Heaven Mixing Demons. He was the most ancient Ancient Demon when the Primordial Devil Realm was first formed.

"It seems like there are more than seven Demon Emperors in the Primordial Devil Realm!"

Above the Five Elements Killing Formation, Celestial Thearch Zi Yang looked coldly at the Heaven Mixing Evil Lord and the old lady. Although the old lady looked kind, her true form was a Devil Sparrow.

The Devil Sparrow Race had been enemies with humans since ancient times and loved to devour them.

"You're actually still alive."

The Heaven Mixing Evil Lord stared at the old lady and said coldly.

"Is this the ancestor of the Devil Sparrow Race?"

The Devil Ape Race Leader arrived. When he saw the Heaven Mixing Evil Lord and the old lady, he was dumbfounded. These two antiques were still alive. What a joke!

"Hehe, you're still alive. How can I bear to die?"

The old lady said coldly.

"Let's put our personal grudges aside for now. Let's solve the crisis in front of us first."

The Heaven Mixing Evil Lord stared at Celestial Thearch Zi Yang with murderous intent.


The old lady nodded.

"Greetings, Seniors!"

The Devil Ape Race Leader hurried over to greet the two.

These two antiques were not to be trifled with. The Devil Ape Race Leader naturally didn't dare to slight them.

"Rumble …"

The Five Elements Killing Formation, under the control of the Unold Demon Child, was still harvesting the lives of the Demons trapped in the formation. The Unold Demon Child definitely wouldn't go easy on the Demons.

After coming to the Primordial Devil Realm, the Unold Demon Child and the others saw how miserable the lives of humans were in the Primordial Devil Realm.

Some Devil Clans even kept humans in captivity as food, especially among the Devil Clan. Many Devils liked to collect the souls of humans to refine Devil Tools.

How could the Unold Demon Child go easy on the Demons?

"Still not stopping?"

The Heaven Mixing Evil Lord glared at Celestial Thearch Zi Yang.

"Stop? Stop what? "

Celestial Thearch Zi Yang laughed.

"You're courting death!"

Evil Lord Chaos Heaven didn't want to talk nonsense. A demonic light rushed out from his body and blasted towards Heavenly Thearch Zi Yang. Within the demonic light was a demonic cauldron.

This was the ultimate treasure of the Chaotic Heaven Demons, the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron.

The Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron was an amazing demonic weapon. At least in the Original Devil Realm, it was the number one demonic weapon. This was because it was forged from Chaotic Demonic Iron.

If it weren't for the fact that the Heavenly Dao of this world was flawed, the Demonic Cauldron would have long transformed into a demonic artifact of the ultimate path.

"I didn't expect there to be such a demonic artifact here."

Sitting cross-legged on the peak of Prime Devil Mountain, Gu Fei's incarnation sensed the existence of the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The Devil Artifact was covered in dust. If this Devil Artifact appeared in the Human Realm or the Heaven Realm, it would probably attract the Extreme Dao Heavenly Tribulation immediately.

"Looks like Zi Yang is out of luck."

Gu Fei's incarnation sighed.

Indeed, the moment the Demonic Cauldron appeared, Celestial Thearch Zi Yang was directly sent flying. The ferocious impact almost shattered a small half of his body.

"Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron?"

The old lady stared at the Demonic Cauldron floating in the void and narrowed her eyes. This was the number one demonic artifact of the Original Devil Realm. All the Demons would be envious of it.

Even the ancestor of the Devil Sparrow Race couldn't help but be moved.

Compared to the Chaotic Heaven Demons, the Devil Sparrow Race was also an ancient demon race that had been passed down for countless years. However, it was still not as ancient as the Chaotic Heaven Demons.

The Devil Sparrow Race also had a demonic artifact known as the Devil Sparrow Heavenly Furnace. However, the power of the Devil Sparrow Heavenly Furnace was far inferior to the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron.

"This is the number one demonic artifact of the Demons?"

The leader of the Devil Ape Race stared at the Demonic Cauldron with greed in his eyes.


The Chaotic Heaven Demonic Ancestor directly controlled the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron to attack the Five Elements Killing Formation below.


Celestial Thearch Zi Yang roared. He didn't expect his opponent to have such a powerful demonic artifact. This power was probably infinitely close to the Extreme Dao.

In the next moment, two beams of divine light rushed out of the Five Elements Killing Formation.


With a loud bang, the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron blasted against the Five Elements Killing Formation. Then, countless array patterns shattered in the void.

This was absolute power, so powerful that it could destroy everything in the Original Demon Realm.

In the Original Demon Realm, the Heavenly Dao was incomplete. It was impossible for an Extreme Dao level power to appear. Hence, the power of the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron was naturally the strongest power in the Original Demon Realm.

However, although the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Lord broke the Five Elements Killing Formation with a cauldron, the Demons trapped in the Five Elements Killing Formation were unlucky.

The Five Elements Killing Formation collapsed, and the Power of the Five Elements erupted. The Demons trapped in the Five Elements Killing Formation were directly crushed into pieces.

Countless Demons were destroyed in both body and soul.

"Old Chaotic Heaven, you …"

The old lady was furious. There were still many members of the Devil Sparrow Race trapped in the formation. Now, there was no need to rescue them. They were all finished.

There were also many powerhouses of the Devil Ape Race trapped in the killing formation. Those powerhouses of the Devil Ape Race had all received their bento boxes.

However, the leader of the Devil Ape Race didn't even dare to let out a fart.


The Chaotic Heaven Demonic Lord was very disdainful. Wasn't it just a few members of his race? His race was also trapped inside, but didn't he show no mercy?

"You …"

Although the old lady was furious, her lips twitched. However, she didn't say anything.

At this moment, everything within a radius of a thousand miles was destroyed. The ground was sinking, and even the Heavenly Tiger City was affected.

Cracks appeared one after another on the ancient city walls.

"Can you escape?"

The Chaotic Heaven Demonic Lord sneered. The Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron released a resplendent demonic light. A terrifying demonic aura spread between the heavens and the earth. It was terrifying to the extreme.

A heaven-devouring demonic power surged out of the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron. Heavenly Thearch Zi Yang, the Unaging Demon Child, the Five-Elements Celestial Thearch, and the others who were escaping felt their bodies tighten, and they flew back involuntarily.

"This …"

Heavenly Thearch Zi Yang and the others were shocked.

They had fled thousands of miles away, but they were still bound by the power of the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron. They flew towards the Chaotic Heaven Demonic Cauldron involuntarily.

"Master …"

"Master, save us!"

Heavenly Thearch Zi Yang and the Unaging Demon Child were scared out of their wits. If they were swallowed into that demonic cauldron, they would die without a doubt!

"Master? You guys still have a master? "

When the Five-Elements Celestial Thearch heard Heavenly Thearch Zi Yang and the Unaging Demon Child's words, he could not help getting a big shock. These two fellows were emperors. They actually still had a master.

Wouldn't their master be even more impressive?

"Sigh! I originally wanted to have some peace and quiet. In the end, I still have to take action! "

The Gu Fei's incarnation sitting cross-legged at the peak of Prime Devil Mountain stood up helplessly.


Gu Fei's incarnation took a step out and instantly vanished from the peak of Prime Devil Mountain.

When he appeared again, he already arrived above Heavenly Tiger City.

"Another one coming to die? Collect for me! "

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